SAYAS Blogging Competition 2021- Applications Open

SAYAS Blogging Competition 2021- Applications Open

Are you a postgraduate/doctorate student or postdoctoral researcher in or from South Africa and you feel you want to express yourself and share your thoughts and opinions but do not have a platform to do so?

SAYAS is proudly representing the voice of young scientists of all spheres of science and we want to provide the platform for aspiring scientists to talk, debate and learn more about the postgraduate journey in South Africa. Through the years, in the SAYAS blog, we all learned about specific research fields and new discoveries,  challenges such as financial ones, funding, diversity and inequalities, we were inspired by stories of women in science or other role models, and discovered what the students expect from supervisors and mentors among many others.

If you feel you have thoughts, ideas, and experiences to share and want the opportunity to share them, here is your chance to enter!

Why a Science Blog you may ask, and not any other medium? Nature gives a good idea on why a science blog is a good channel to communicate your science and express your views. It is about time for the world to know more about you and at the same time improve your writing and communication skills; such a win-win situation, don’t you think? And if you wonder whether your ideas are “blogworthy” have a look here.

What do I need to enter? Any postgraduate/doctorate student from any research field in or from South Africa that can communicate in English can enter.

How do I enter the blogging competition? You will need to send the following to the SAYAS blog editor Roula Inglesi-Lotz

  • A short bio (500-700 words) describing yourself/ your research/ your dreams/ your journey in word format.
  • Your CV and a high-resolution photo of you.

What is expected from me and what should I expect from SAYAS If I am selected to be a SAYAS blogger?

  • You will have to work with the 2021 SAYAS blog editors and submit one blog every month in 2021.
  • The topic of the blog is your choice as well as the ideas represented there.
  • You will receive guidance and mentoring from the editors so that your blog is of SAYAS standards and quality.
  • We will be in touch within 3 weeks if you have made it.
  • You will also receive a small stipend monthly for the year of your blogging contract.

The closing date for applications is Monday, 30th November 2020.  For more Information, write to:

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